Sunday, June 5, 2011

DALEK Art Exhibit at UAB Art Lab

What up yall, I was just like to say that the art exhibit was a huge success. Many people came out to the showing, and we had more free pizza then we could handle. Dj Heron and myself did a 2x4 set(two mixers and four turntables). We had a lot of fun going back and forth juggling and scratching tracks. I love gigs like this, meaning a gig outside of the normal club/lounge/bar environment.

It is a special treat to be able to to do what I love(Djing), and at the same time be able to admire art work from a world famous Graffiti writer. I have been writing graffiti for about 15 years. Actually before I even started djing, so I have a deep love for graffiti and all types of art. DALEKS art is still on display in the UAB Art Lab. If you have time, I would definitely recommend taking some time and checking out some amazing art.
pz Dj Jeff C.

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